


What truly matters? It’s the synthesis of press releases, sources, data, and facts that form the heart of our narrative. At this juncture, critical threads of inspiration intersect, fostering a dynamic wellspring of creativity. These flashes of inspiration are skillfully woven into a unique concept, experienced through the sensory and artistic prism of Art by Cebular.

“Art is Fashion, Fashion is Art” – this enduring maxim transcends time, evolving fluidly with the societal zeitgeist. Renata’s graphic expression is a testament to this philosophy, signifying an unbridled voyage through the realms of creative liberty.

“Art in Space, Space as Art” explores the interplay of simplicity and complexity that characterizes everyday life. It reflects the ever-changing stages of human existence, mirroring our collective desires for change and a rejuvenated way of living.

At its core, “Out of Simplicity” perfectly captures Renata’s authentic creative spirit. It is more than an artistic statement; it’s a life philosophy that spans across the dimensions of time and space, chronicling her genuine journey of artistic growth and broadening horizons.


Glückspost No. 46 page 56


BrerArt, EOTW Emotions of the World, Exhibition Catalogue, 2014 Milan Italy

Cebular lifestyle gallery booklet, renata cebular, Blurb 2014


ArtisSpectrum, Vol.27, p.43.Fine Art on Fashion, Agora Gallery, NY

Modern Painters Magazine, march/april 2012, p.38. CA, USA.

Facts, 6/2012, Art in office, Surprise Art by Cebular


Art Acquisitor, Volume 8, P 34, Amsterdam Whitney Gallery. NY

Press Release: "SERENADE to the STARS", Amsterdam Whitney Gallery.

ArtisSpectrum, 2010_Vol. 23, p. 52 "The Rhythm of Color", Agora Gallery, NY.


Exhibition Catalogue, Agora Gallery, NY.

ArtisSpectrum, Vol. 22, p. 73